
Is milk really good for you?

Milk is viewed as a complete food and for children it is viewed as essential.
It has always been a very popular food item around the world consumed both in the raw as well in the form of dairy. Nevertheless many experts have made logical arguments questioning the health benefits of milk.
Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury the Chief Editor at Asia Book of Records and a well known author on subjects of health and wellness questions the obsession with milk consumption and links milk dependence to diabetes and bone and joint problems.
 “There are two causes for avoiding milk one is the philosophical reason- it is only human beings who consume milk for a lifetime and no animal does the same, also it is only human being which drinks the milk of other species. The second is the scientific reason for not consuming milk milk contains a protein called casein which the intestines take longer to break down,  sometimes casein goes out of the body without being broken down,  which is not only useless for the body but also may be harmful, casein structure consists of 17 rings incidentally insulin also comprises of 17 rings, as the undigested 17 ring casein is harmful to the body the brain signals the immune system to kill all 17 ring structures, due to which along with casein insulin is also wiped off which results in diabetes”
When asked how would one get calcium if not through milk consumption he said that while it is true that milk does have a lot of calcium but it is not in an absorb able form “Egg covering has a lot of calcium do we start eating it, no  because it cannot be absorbed easily by the body.  Hair has maximum amounts of protein, do we eat it, wood has maximum amount of carbohydrate should we start eating it- no because these items are not in a form which can be absorbed by the body. The definition of nutritious food should not be which item has maximum nutrients but which food item has maximum amounts of nutrients in an absorb able form” he declared.
He rejects the widely held belief that milk is a very nutritious food item and particularly the conviction that for calcium we need to consume high amounts of milk. “Don’t horses and cows have strong bones –do they drink milk?” said Roy Chawdhary. Dr Roy Chawdhary high amounts of milk consumption to bone problems “When the body is unable to absorb high amounts of calcium it starts depositing it in the joints giving rise to joint and bone problems. In the world there are three countries that consume maximum amounts of milk -Finland, Denmark and Sweden, there are three countries that have maximum numbers of bone and joint problems- Finland, Sweden and Denmark. In the world where minimum milk consumption takes place are Thailand and Vietnam, and these are the countries where minimum bone problems occur” he declared.
Dr NK Sharma, Naturopath and Author of best seller ‘Milk: Silent Killer’ describes milk as a hormonal food “Milk is a type of steroid containing 56 types of hormones, it is meant for consumption of calf’s. Remember a calf grows from a  weight of about  15 pounds to 2000 pounds merely in 2 years humans are born at 6- 8 pounds and take 18-20 years to mature.In essence milk is a type of steroid which can cause a lot of health problems. Every species has a time frame for consumption of milk but humans want to continue with milk consumption for a lifetime”.

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